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Eat Your Way into Shape and
Your Plate, Your Fate: Quick Start Guide
A recent headline on the cover of Parade magazine caught my eye: “Top Doctors Solve Your Medical Problems”. One of the problems they claimed to have a “solution” for was depression. So I turned the page to find out what it was. I was hoping to read about the vital links between food and mood. But there wasn’t a single … Read more…
Would you believe that almost ALL canned foods (including healthy organic ones) are packaged in containers contaminated with BPA? And that’s really bad news for your health. BPA is an industrial chemical and potent endocrine disruptor found in plastics, as well as metal can and bag liners. And it’s been linked with breast and prostate cancer, insulin resistance and diabetes, … Read more…
Do you ever feel tired or lack energy? Can’t seem to lose those extra pounds? Suffer from low thyroid function? Are you aging not quite as gracefully as you would like to? Do you go through mood swings or become irritated easily? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, the culprit could be your hormones. And even … Read more…
If you’ve been feeling a little low, suffering from a sluggish thyroid or having trouble conceiving… it could be because of the soil our food is grown in. Reliance on chemical fertilizers and improper farming practices over the last 50 years have depleted our soil of a vital micronutrient – selenium. And because crops convert selenium into organic forms that … Read more…
If you’re eating veggie burgers, chances are you’re getting a lot more than you bargained for. And in this case, that’s not a good thing. Soy protein concentrate. Soy protein isolate. Soy flour. Soy lecithin. Autolyzed yeast extract. Tortola yeast extract. These ingredients may sound healthy, but the truth is, they are manmade culinary criminals masquerading as “good-for-you” meals. But … Read more…
The main benefit of convenience foods is… well, their convenience. But a stroll through your supermarket in search for healthy convenience foods is likely to leave you hungry for better options. And with good reason. Convenience foods are packed with dietary pitfalls that can sabotage your waistline and harm your health. Even “natural” and organic convenience foods that have shorter … Read more…
Earlier this week, I let you in on one of the dirty secrets of the soy industry – the use of the dangerous chemical hexane in the extraction process. And if you think you’re not eating soy, you might be surprised. This cheap protein is packed into everything from “health food” bars, burritos and smoothies, to sauces, pizzas and other … Read more…
Do you store your food in plastic containers? Do you ever put plastic in the microwave? If so, think twice about it. In the Your Plate, Your Fate series, you’ll learn about the dozens of chemicals found in our foods that mimic the hormone estrogen. These gender benders cause early sexual development in children, reproductive difficulties for adults, and they … Read more…